社区 出勤政策

  1. Undergraduate students are required to complete at least eight (8) 社区 program credits fall, 冬天, 春季学期. Attendance by administration, faculty, staff, and all WWU students is encouraged.
  2. Check in for 社区 program attendance is taken at each program from 10:50 a.m. 到11:10 a.m. 学生 will be permitted 10 minutes to check out after the completion of the 社区 program.
    礼拜周 programs are held Monday through Friday fall and 冬天 quarter and Tuesday through Friday spring quarter and are available to attend for 社区 credit. Check in and check out time are adjusted according to the 礼拜周 schedule.
  3. 学生 must check in and out using their iAttended app and attend the entire program to receive credit.
  4. 学生 without a QR code scanner may attend the 社区 program for credit by checking in with the head usher at the beginning and end of the program.
  5. 学生 are responsible for ensuring their 社区 program attendance is accurately recorded in their iAttended app.
  6. 学生 are responsible for checking their iAttended app at the end of each 社区 event to confirm that they have received 社区 credit. If the credit does not appear in the app the student must immediately check with a 社区 Usher to resolve the issue. 社区 program credit will not be given after the check-out time has closed, which is 20 minutes after the event has ended.


学生 who have verified work-related conflicts may appeal for a reduction in 社区 attendance requirements. 社区 Reduction in Attendance Request forms are valid on a quarter by quarter basis and can be accessed online through the 社区 Reduction Request form. A complete work schedule and class schedule are required with each quarters’ Reduction in Attendance Request form. This form must be submitted to the Dean of 学生 by the first Friday of the quarter.

While all WWU students are invited and encourage to attend 社区 programs, attendance is not required for:

  1. 学生 fulfilling mandatory student teaching or internship requirements.
  2. 学生 serving as student missionaries or studying in the Adventist Colleges Abroad program.
  3. 学生 holding a baccalaureate degree.
  4. 学生 enrolled for less than six (6) credit hours.
  5. 学生 with dependent children in their immediate care.
  6. 学生 who are married.
  7. 学生 who are at least 25 years of age.


学生 who do not meet the 社区 program attendance policy may be subject to the following:

  1. 社区 Probation Status for the current quarter, and after two quarters of probation status, the student may be subject to dismissal from WWU.
  2. Loss of campus privileges, which may include: varsity and intramural sports teams participation, ASWWU and class officer leadership, and/or other restrictions.
  3. Registration restrictions.
  4. Other discipline which may be determined.
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