Mwami Adventist Hospital, 赞比亚


To show Jesus’ love and to prepare for His coming. 


Mwami Adventist Hospital is a 30 minute drive away from 马拉维. The scenery is full of flat hills that are green during the rainy season and dry during the dry season. The hospital is staffed with both missionary doctors and local 赞比亚n doctors that you will get the chance to work with while rotating between the different wards. There is plenty of free time to go hiking, catch a ride into town, help with the Pathfinders team, 读书, 博客, and be a part of the hospital rotary club. On the weekends, the volunteers will help out with Sabbath school and church. There are also opportunities for travel in the area, especially to Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe. 



Average fundraising goal $6,000
生活津贴 $150 a month raised by volunteer
需求 1+ years of college experience and a visiting visa - apply before you go as it is cheaper and lasts for 1 year
语言 The staff at the hospital all speak English, but the local language spoken is Nyanja.
时间轴 Typically a 8-10 month call but flexible.
职位 Medical assistant/nurse


食物 is fairly cheap and it takes about 30 minutes to drive into town where there are grocery stores. It’s easy to hitch a ride with others or take a taxi. The common foods are rice and beans, pasta, lots of fresh produce, vegetables, and mangos. There is a local market next to the hospital where volunteers can get food without having to go into town.  

Volunteers rent the guest house for $150 a month. There is space for 2-4 volunteers with 2 bedrooms that come with beds, mosquito nets, and sheets. There is a kitchen with a stove, oven, fridge, and all utensils and appliances necessary. The living room has a TV, but it only works when the power and WiFi are on. There is a wash basin, shower, and toilet in the bathroom. Since power outages are frequent, there is a charcoal fire pit for cooking. WiFi is limited per month so use it accordingly.