荣誉准则 & 任务



We, 学生们, 工作人员, and faculty of the 沃拉沃拉大学 商学院, pledge to adhere to the highest levels of integrity, 专业, and respect for others in all that we do in the classroom and in our personal and professional lives. We commit to maintaining an ethical focus in all our endeavors, beyond what is minimally expected by society or required by law.  We commit to maintaining a thoughtful, studied ethical focus that defines how we reconcile inevitable tensions between ambition and service, competition and contribution, 利润与信任. Specifically, we agree to be held accountable to the provisions of the 荣誉准则.

As future business leaders and representatives of the ideals and values of the 沃拉沃拉大学 商学院, we pledge to act consistently with the university’s core beliefs and values, including 卓越的思想, 慷慨服务, 表达之美, 和对上帝的信仰.

澳门线上博彩官网承诺 the core value of 卓越的思想 through the pursuit of academic excellence, 知识探究, and professional achievement in our respective fields without compromising what is true, 高贵的, 正确的, 纯, 可爱的, 令人钦佩的, 和值得称赞的. 

澳门线上博彩官网承诺 慷慨服务 by acknowledging that we all are children of God and ambassadors of His kingdom who are called to lives of humble, dedicated service in both our personal and professional lives.

澳门线上博彩官网承诺 表达之美 through honest innovation in our educational and professional pursuits, employing only those means that are worthy of this institution and our Creator and rejecting all opportunities to exploit or mislead others.

澳门线上博彩官网承诺 对上帝的信仰 by acknowledging that we are inherently fallen, self-centered beings in need of daily life-changing encounters with a loving and self-sacrificing Savior and that such encounters will result in our adherence to truth and justice, as well as in positive eternal outcomes for us and for all others who are impacted by our decisions and actions.


Within the context of 沃拉沃拉大学's mission, the 商学院 provides a quality learning environment in which students prepare for advanced studies and for careers as competent, ethical professionals and leaders. 

学生:  业务 graduates will be values-driven professionals who are knowledgeable about fundamental business principles and practices.  They will provide competent and productive service, striving to improve the lives of their employees, 雇主, 客户, 社区成员.  They will demonstrate integrity in all aspects of their life and work.  学生 from other disciplines will also be influenced by our courses, 研讨会, 以及校园互动.  As a result, all students will graduate with a calling to be “the salt of the earth.”

教师:  Our faculty will possess, 总的来说, a desirable blend of academic qualifications and professional experience.  They will have adequate financial support for advanced study, 参加会议, 研究, and other professional development activities.  To keep current in business practices, they will engage in community and business activities.  They will continually seek new and better ways to foster business acumen and Christian values in their students, to whom they will serve as role models, 导师, 和顾问.  反过来, faculty will be supported in their work with ample technological resources, 图书馆资源, 教师指导, and 研究 release time.

设施:  Classrooms and offices will be comfortable, 有吸引力的, 安全, 安全, and representative of a quality business education.  Equipment and technology will reflect that used by practicing business professionals.