Chemeketa 社区学院 Transfer

The following transfer equivalency listings are a guideline for unofficial review. Final transfer decisions are made by the records office.


CCC-to-WWU Transfer Course Equivalency

CCC Class

WWU Equivalent


AH 112A卫生保健系统 & ProfessionNOEQ 199No Equivalency
AH 115Healthcare Career StrategiesNOEQ 199No Equivalency
AH 115Healthcare Career Suc StratNOEQ 199No Equivalency


ART 101了解艺术ART 251Intro to Art
ART 115Basic Design: Two DimensionalART 161Design
ART 131Introduction to Drawing IART 184绘画入门1
ART 154陶器I -手工制作ART 284陶艺入门1
ART 154陶器I -手工制作ART 284陶艺入门1
ART 155Pottery II - Wheel ThrowART 285陶艺入门2
ART 198C独立研究ART 199选择性转移
ART 203New Media ArtART 198HGeneral Studies Humanities
ART 205Introduction to Art HistoryART 198HGeneral Studies Humanities
ART 206Introduction to Art HistoryART 198HGeneral Studies Humanities
ART 261Darkroom and Film PhotographyPHTO 156摄影印刷


ASL 111第一学期,美国手语NOEQ 199No Equivalency
ASL 112第一年美国手语第二学期NOEQ 199No Equivalency
ASL 113第一年美国手语第三学期NOEQ 199No Equivalency


ATH 101Human EvolutionANTH 199选择性转移
ATH 103Intro to 文化人类学ANTH 225文化人类学
ATH 212墨西哥史前ANTH 199选择性转移
ATH 215Early Greek/Aegean ArchaeologyANTH 199选择性转移
ATH 231美洲原住民研究ANTH 199选择性转移


BA 101商业概论GBUS 160商业入门
BA 206Business Management PrinciplesMGMT 199选择性转移
BA 226Business Law IGBUS 199选择性转移


BI 101普通生物学1BIOL 198Transfer General Studies
BI 101普通生物学IBIOL 141Gen Biology
BI 102普通生物学2BIOL 198Transfer General Studies
BI 103普通生物学3BIOL 198Transfer General Studies
BI 103General BiologyBIOL 198Transfer General Studies
BI 132环境科学IIENVI 198Transfer General Studies
BI 171人类解剖学导论 & Phys 1BIOL 198Transfer General Studies
BI 172人类解剖学导论 & Phys 2BIOL 198Transfer General Studies
BI 211生物学原理1BIOL 141Gen Biology
BI 231Human Anatomy & PhysiologyBIOL 121Anatomy & Physiology
BI 231Human Anatomy & PhysiologyBIOL 122Anatomy & Physiology
BI 231Human Anatomy & PhysiologyBIOL 123Anatomy & Physiology
BI 232Human Anatomy & PhysiologyBIOL 121Anatomy & Physiology
BI 232Human Anatomy & PhysiologyBIOL 122Anatomy & Physiology
BI 232Human Anatomy & PhysiologyBIOL 123Anatomy & Physiology
BI 232Human Anatomy and PhysiologyBIOL 121Anatomy & Physiology
BI 232Human Anatomy and PhysiologyBIOL 122Anatomy & Physiology
BI 232Human Anatomy and PhysiologyBIOL 123Anatomy & Physiology
BI 233Human Anatomy & PhysiologyBIOL 121Anatomy & Physiology
BI 233Human Anatomy & PhysiologyBIOL 122Anatomy & Physiology
BI 233Human Anatomy & PhysiologyBIOL 123Anatomy & Physiology
BI 233Human Anatomy and PhysiologyBIOL 121Anatomy & Physiology
BI 233Human Anatomy and PhysiologyBIOL 122Anatomy & Physiology
BI 233Human Anatomy and PhysiologyBIOL 123Anatomy & Physiology
BI 234MicrobiologyBIOL 222Microbiology
BI 235人体解剖BIOL 199选择性转移


CA 117微软出版社NOEQ 199No Equivalency
CA 121KeyboardingNOEQ 199No Equivalency
CA 121AKeyboarding ANOEQ 199No Equivalency
CA 201DMicrosoft Word Processing 1NOEQ 199No Equivalency


CG 100为大学做准备GNRL 101大学的经历
CG 101Planning College FinancesNOEQ 199No Equivalency
CG 104你的大学经历GNRL 101大学的经历
CG 120专注于职业NOEQ 199No Equivalency
CG 2254-Year College TransitionNOEQ 199No Equivalency
CG 2254-Year College TransitionGNRL 101大学的经历
CG 225Four-Year College TransitionNOEQ 199No Equivalency


CH 104Chemistry for Allied HealthCHEM 101介绍化学
CH 105Chemistry for Allied HealthCHEM 102介绍化学
CH 106Chemistry for Allied HealthCHEM 198Transfer General Studies
CH 110Gen, Organic & BiochemistryCHEM 102介绍化学
CH 110Gen, Organic & BiochemistryCHEM 198Transfer General Studies
CH 110一般情况下,有机 & BiochemistryCHEM 102介绍化学
CH 110一般情况下,有机 & BiochemistryCHEM 198Transfer General Studies
CH 121大学化学CHEM 101介绍化学
CH 121大学化学CHEM 141普通化学
CH 121大学化学CHEM 144普通化学实验室
CH 122大学化学CHEM 102介绍化学
CH 123大学化学CHEM 198Transfer General Studies
CH 221普通化学CHEM 141普通化学
CH 221普通化学CHEM 144普通化学实验室
CH 222普通化学CHEM 142普通化学
CH 222普通化学CHEM 145普通化学实验室
CH 223普通化学CHEM 143普通化学
CH 223普通化学CHEM 146普通化学实验室


CIS 101计算概念NOEQ 199No Equivalency
CIS 101Intro Microcomputer ApplicationsCIS 199选择性转移
CIS 101Intro Microcomputer ApplicationsCPTR 110计算机原理
CIS 101Intro to Microcomputer AppsCIS 140总线分析与Excel
CIS 101Intro to Microcomputer AppsCIS 199选择性转移
CIS 101Intro to Microcomputer AppsCPTR 110计算机原理
CIS 121Intro to Programming ConceptsCIS 199选择性转移


CLA 201Intro Chicano/Latino Studies 1NOEQ 199No Equivalency
CLA 202Intro Chicano/Latino Studies 2NOEQ 199No Equivalency


COMM 100Introduction to CommunicationCOMM 199选择性转移
COMM 111演讲基金SPCH 101Fundamentals of Speech Comm
COMM 115Intercultural CommunicationSPCH 199选择性转移
COMM 218人际CommunicationSPCH 199选择性转移


CPL 121Intro to Credit for Prior LearningNOEQ 199No Equivalency


CS 101Intro Microcomputer ApplicationsNOEQ 199No Equivalency


DRF 131CAD 2DRFT 199选择性转移
DRF 132CAD 3NOEQ 199No Equivalency


ED 200教育基础ationEDUC 210教育基础
ED 229Learning & DevelopmentEDUC 199选择性转移
ED 258多元文化教育NOEQ 199No Equivalency


EGR 202Electrical Fundamentals 2ENGR 199选择性转移
EGR 211StaticsENGR 221工程力学
EGR 211StaticsENGR 222工程力学
EGR 211StaticsENGR 223工程力学
EGR 212DynamicsENGR 221工程力学
EGR 212DynamicsENGR 222工程力学
EGR 212DynamicsENGR 223工程力学
EGR 213材料强度ENGR 199选择性转移
EGR 248Graphics and 3-D ModelingENGR 199选择性转移


ENG 100文学欣赏ENGL 198HTransfer G.S. Humanities
ENG 104小说导论ENGL 198HTransfer G.S. Humanities
ENG 105Intro to Dramatic LiteratureENGL 198HTransfer G.S. Humanities
ENG 106Intro to PoetryENGL 198HTransfer G.S. Humanities
ENG 106诗歌概论ENGL 198HTransfer G.S. Humanities
ENG 107Introduction to World LiteratureENGL 198HTransfer G.S. Humanities
ENG 109Introduction to World LiteratureENGL 198HTransfer G.S. Humanities
ENG 255Introduction to American LiteratureENGL 198HTransfer G.S. Humanities


ES 172Intro to Emergency ServicesNOEQ 199No Equivalency


FA 256Understanding Movies: DirectorsHMNT 198Transfer General Studies
FA 257Understand Movies: Themes/GenreENGL 198HTransfer G.S. Humanities


FE 120职业快速起步NOEQ 199No Equivalency
FE 280C1Cooperative Work ExperienceNOEQ 199No Equivalency
FE 280D1Cooperative Work ExperienceNOEQ 199No Equivalency


FYE 105创造大学成功GNRL 101大学的经历


GE 101工程方向ENGR 121Intro to Profession of Engr
GE 102Engineering ComputationsENGR 199选择性转移
GE 103Engineering ComputationsENGR 199选择性转移


GEG 106文化地理学GEOG 199地理选修
GEG 201World Reg Geog: Developed WorldGEOG 199地理选修
GEG 202World Regional Geog-The Developing WorldGEOG 199地理选修
GEG 206俄勒冈州地理GEOG 199地理选修
GEG 207Geography of US & CanadaGEOG 199地理选修


GS 104物理科学GESC 198科学转学课程
GS 105General Science: ChemistryGESC 198科学转学课程
GS 106物理科学GESC 198科学转学课程


HE 204营养与健身HLTH 199选择性转移
HE 204Nutrition/Weight Control/Physical FitnessHLTH 199选择性转移
HE 209Human SexualityHLTH 199选择性转移
HE 213妇女健康问题HLTH 199选择性转移


HM 101Medical Law & EthicsHLTH 199选择性转移
HM 120医学术语1NRSG 234医学术语
HM 120医学术语一NRSG 199选择性转移
HM 121医学术语2NRSG 199选择性转移
HM 121医学术语2NRSG 234医学术语


HPE 184Prevent/Care Athletic InjuriesPETH 225预防伤害
HPE 295Health & 健康生活HLTH 110健康生活
HPE 295Health and 健康生活HLTH 110健康生活
HPE 295健康/健身生活HLTH 110健康生活


HS 101Addiction Pharmacology/PhysiologyHLTH 199选择性转移
HS 152压力管理SOWK 199选择性转移


HST 104History of World CivilizationHIST 120西方文明史
HST 105History of World CivilizationHIST 121西方与世界
HST 105History of World CivilizationHIST 198Transfer General Studies
HST 106History of World CivilizationHIST 122西方与世界
HST 201History of the United StatesHIST 198Transfer General Studies
HST 201History of the United StatesHIST 221Hist of the U.S.
HST 201History of the United StatesHIST 222Hist of the U.S.
HST 202History of the United StatesHIST 198Transfer General Studies
HST 202History of the United StatesHIST 221Hist of the U.S.
HST 202History of the United StatesHIST 222Hist of the U.S.
HST 203History of the United StatesHIST 198Transfer General Studies
HST 203History of the United StatesHIST 221Hist of the U.S.
HST 203History of the United StatesHIST 222Hist of the U.S.
HST 269Pacific Northwest HistoryHIST 199选择性转移


JNL 224Intro to Mass CommunicationCOMM 145Comm & 全球社会中的Lang


MATH 251微分学MATH 181Calculus I


MTH 105当代数学MATH 105有限的数学
MTH 105Math in SocietyMATH 105有限的数学
MTH 111College AlgebraMATH 121Precalculus I
MTH 112TrigonometryMATH 122Precalculus II
MTH 211Foundations of Elementary MathematicsMATH 112Math for Elementary Teachers I
MTH 211Foundations of Elementary MathematicsMATH 113Math for Elem Teachers II
MTH 212Foundations of Elementary MathMATH 112Math for Elementary Teachers I
MTH 212Foundations of Elementary MathMATH 113Math for Elem Teachers II
MTH 212Foundations of Elementary MathMATH 198Transfer General Studies
MTH 213Foundations of Elementary MathematicsMATH 112Math for Elementary Teachers I
MTH 213Foundations of Elementary MathematicsMATH 113Math for Elem Teachers II
MTH 213Foundations of Elementary MathematicsMATH 198Transfer General Studies
MTH 243Probability and Statistics 1MATH 198Transfer General Studies
MTH 243Probability and Statistics 1MATH 206统计学概论
MTH 243Probability and Statistics IMATH 106统计学概论
MTH 243Probability and Statistics IMATH 206统计学概论
MTH 244Probability and Statistics 2MATH 198Transfer General Studies
MTH 244Probability and Statistics 2MATH 206统计学概论
MTH 251微分学MATH 181Calculus I
MTH 252积分学MATH 281Calculus II
MTH 253Series Calculus/Linear AlgebraMATH 282Calculus III
MTH 254向量微积分IMATH 199选择性转移
MTH 254向量微积分IMATH 282Calculus III
MTH 254向量微积分IMATH 283Calculus IV
MTH 255向量微积分IIMATH 199选择性转移
MTH 255向量微积分IIMATH 283Calculus IV


MUP 174VoiceMUPF 127Applied Music


MUS 105摇滚乐的历史MUHL 198Transfer General Studies
MUS 105摇滚音乐入门MUHL 198Transfer General Studies
MUS 161音乐欣赏MUHL 124Intro to Music
MUS 197ChorusMUPF 199选择性转移
MUS 201Intro to Music LiteratureMUHL 198Transfer General Studies
MUS 203Music History 2MUHL 198Transfer General Studies


NFM 225NutritionHLTH 220Human Nutrition


PE 185AASports 调理-初学者PEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185ABSports Conditioning - IntermediatePEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185BL篮球-高级PEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185CA调理-初学者PEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185CA调理-初学者PEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185CBConditioning - IntermediatePEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185CBConditioning - IntermediatePEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185DM健美操-初学者PEAC 133Aerobic Rhythm
PE 185DRBallroom Dance - BeginnerPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185DRBallroom Dance - BeginnerPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185DSBallroom Dance - IntermediatePEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185FD足球-开始PEAC 174Soccer
PE 185FF足球-高级PEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185PD普拉提-初学者PEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185RA网球拍-初学者PEAC 151Racquetball
PE 185RA网球拍-初学者PEAC 151Racquetball
PE 185SNSalsa Dancing - BeginningPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185SR垒球-高级PEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185ST游泳-中级PEAC 114Intermed游泳
PE 185UAUltimate Games - BeginningPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185WAWeight Management - BeginnerPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185WAWeight Management - BeginnerPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185WD力量-初学者PEAC 123循环重量训练
PE 185WF强度-高级PEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185WKWalking Fitness - BeginnerPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185YAYoga - BeginnerPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185YAYoga - BeginnerPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185YB瑜伽-中级PEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185YC瑜伽-高级PEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 18WE强度-中等PEAC 198Transfer General Studies


PH 209天文学:星系ASTR 198Transfer General Studies
PH 211物理/工程师 & ScientistsPHYS 251Prin of Physics
PH 211物理/工程师 & ScientistsPHYS 254物理实验室主任
PH 212物理/工程师 & ScientistsPHYS 252Prin of Physics
PH 212物理/工程师 & ScientistsPHYS 255物理实验室主任
PH 213物理/工程师 & ScientistsPHYS 253Prin of Physics
PH 213物理/工程师 & ScientistsPHYS 256物理实验室主任


PHL 201Introduction to PhilosophyPHIL 205哲学概论
PHL 203EthicsPHIL 198Transfer General Studies
PHL 206Faith/Reason: Phil of ReligionPHIL 198Transfer General Studies


PS 201美国政府PLSC 224Amer Government
PS 201美国政府PLSC 198Transfer General Studies
PS 201美国政府PLSC 224Amer Government
PS 202美国政府PLSC 198Transfer General Studies


PSY 101Psychology of Human RelationsPSYC 199选择性转移
PSY 104Psychology in the WorkplacePSYC 199选择性转移
PSY 104职场心理学PSYC 199选择性转移
PSY 201普通心理学 - Biological EmphasisPSYC 141IntroPsyc:Biological Foundtns
PSY 201心理学导论:心灵 & BodyPSYC 130普通心理学
PSY 201心理学导论:心灵 & BodyPSYC 141IntroPsyc:Biological Foundtns
PSY 201心理学导论:心灵 & BodyPSYC 130普通心理学
PSY 201心理学导论:心灵 & BodyPSYC 141IntroPsyc:Biological Foundtns
PSY 201心理学导论:心灵 & BodyPSYC 198Transfer General Studies
PSY 201Psy -生物学EmphPSYC 199选择性转移
PSY 202心理学导论:心灵 & SocietyPSYC 140Intro to Psyc:Social Foundatns
PSY 202Psy -认知重点PSYC 199选择性转移
PSY 203Psy -临床/社会重点NOEQ 199No Equivalency
PSY 237生命周期发展PSYC 215发展心理学
PSY 239Intro to Abnormal BehaviorPSYC 199选择性转移
PSY 282Psychology of AdolescencePSYC 199选择性转移


RD 115学术思想 & ReadingRDNG 199选择性转移


REL 160World ReligionsRETR 198转教课程
REL 203美国的宗教RETR 199转移的宗教


SLD 101为大学做准备 FinancesNOEQ 199No Equivalency
SLD 128领导力发展NOEQ 199No Equivalency


SLP 180Survey of Speech/Lang DisorderNOEQ 199No Equivalency
SLP 185Anatomy & 生理学的演讲/朗NOEQ 199No Equivalency
SLP 188沟通障碍NOEQ 199No Equivalency


SOC 204社会学概论SOCI 204Gen Sociology
SOC 204General Sociology - IntroductionSOCI 204Gen Sociology
SOC 204The Sociological PerspectiveSOCI 204Gen Sociology
SOC 204The Sociological PerspectiveSOCI 204Gen Sociology
SOC 205Gen Sociology InstitutionsSOCI 199选择性转移
SOC 205美国学会SOCI 199选择性转移
SOC 206Social ProblemsSOCI 234当前的社会问题
SOC 210家庭社会学SOCI 199选择性转移
SOC 232Death/Dying: Socio/Cultural PrspSOCI 199选择性转移


SP 111演讲基金SPCH 101Fundamentals of Speech Comm
SP 111Fundamentals of Public SpeakingSPCH 101Fundamentals of Speech Comm
SP 218人际CommunSPCH 199选择性转移
SP 218人际CommunicationSPCH 199选择性转移


SPN 101First Year Spanish, Term 1SPAN 101基本的西班牙语
SPN 103First Year Spanish, Term 3SPAN 103基本的西班牙语


SSP 112有效的学习NOEQ 199No Equivalency
SSP 118高级考试NOEQ 199No Equivalency


TRD 1XXTrades ElectiveNOEQ 199No Equivalency


WR 121学术写作ENGL 121大学写作一
WR 121学术写作ENGL 122大学写作II
WR 121学术写作ENGL 223研究写作
WR 121英语作文 - ExpositionENGL 121大学写作一
WR 121英语作文 - ExpositionENGL 122大学写作II
WR 121英语作文 - ExpositionENGL 223研究写作
WR 121英语作文-ExpositionENGL 121大学写作一
WR 121英语作文-ExpositionENGL 122大学写作II
WR 121英语作文-ExpositionENGL 223研究写作
WR 121英语作文ENGL 121大学写作一
WR 121大学论文ENGL 121大学写作一
WR 121大学论文ENGL 122大学写作II
WR 121大学论文ENGL 223研究写作
WR 122Argmt Resch & Multimodal CompENGL 121大学写作一
WR 122Argmt Resch & Multimodal CompENGL 122大学写作II
WR 122Argmt Resch & Multimodal CompENGL 223研究写作
WR 122论证与研究ENGL 121大学写作一
WR 122论证与研究ENGL 122大学写作II
WR 122论证与研究ENGL 223研究写作
WR 122Eng Composition - Argue/ResearchENGL 121大学写作一
WR 122Eng Composition - Argue/ResearchENGL 122大学写作II
WR 122Eng Composition - Argue/ResearchENGL 223研究写作
WR 122英语作文 - Argue/ResearchENGL 121大学写作一
WR 122英语作文 - Argue/ResearchENGL 122大学写作II
WR 122英语作文 - Argue/ResearchENGL 223研究写作
WR 122英语作文 - Logic & StyleENGL 122大学写作II
WR 122英语作文 Argue/ResearchENGL 121大学写作一
WR 122英语作文 Argue/ResearchENGL 122大学写作II
WR 122英语作文 Argue/ResearchENGL 223研究写作
WR 122英语作文-Argue/ResearchENGL 223研究写作
WR 122英语作文ENGL 122大学写作II
WR 227技术写作WRIT 199选择性转移


WS 102世界女性NOEQ 199No Equivalency