Canadian 新生的学生


如果你不是新来的加拿大学生, 请参阅适用于您的注册步骤.


As you go through the enrollment process we are here for you every step of the way. You can contact the Office of 招收ment with questions any time at (800) 541-8900.

招收ment Checklist

1. 应用 and be accepted.

For questions about the application process call (800) 541-8900 or email

去 应用 to create your application account.

Ask one person not related to you who knows your academic qualities (such as a teacher, 学校辅导员, or principal) to complete the 招收ment Reference Form.

下载成绩单发布申请表格, 把它寄给你现在和以前的学校, 请他们把你的成绩单寄到下面的地址. 澳门线上博彩官网需要以下的成绩单:

  • The high school or academy from which you have graduated or will graduate
  • The college from which you have earned any dual credit during high school
  • 如果你参加过任何AP课程和/或CLEP考试
  • 你上过的所有学院和大学
  • 不包括沃拉沃拉大学的课程

如果你还没有从高中毕业, 没关系, 让你的学校寄一份部分成绩单就行了. We can admit you and, if you are eligible, 根据你的第六学期成绩单颁发奖学金.

If you have completed a GED, send official documentation to the address below.

Walla Walla University 招生
204 S. 学院大街
College Place, WA 99324

2. After you have been accepted.

For questions about getting access to myWWU call (509) 527-2317 or email

MyWWU是您将在WWU使用的应用程序的在线入口. 一旦你被录取,澳门线上博彩官网会给你发一封电子邮件,详细说明如何激活你的大学电子邮件地址和myWWU账户.

WWU最常用的两款应用是PeopleSoft和17世纪. PeopleSoft has the most capabilities for managing your 学生 information. 它是为台式电脑设计的.

17世纪 has fewer features, but is designed to use on mobile devices such as tablets and smart phones. Financial Clearance and Registration Finalization can only be done in 17世纪.

  • Follow the instructions in the acceptance email you received to access myWWU.
  • 记住您的myWWU帐户名和密码. 你将在WWU的整个学术生涯中使用它.

加拿大学生必须填写并提交一份 I-20工作表. Canadian 学生s do not have to pay the international 学生 deposit. Once your I-20 worksheet and proof of funding have been received, WWU will issue your I-20 visa form.

有关经济援助的问题请致电(800)656-2315或电子邮件 金融



完成 WWU 金融 aid application. 您的myWWU帐户和密码将被要求.

WWU提供独立于联邦项目的经济援助. Canadian 学生s are welcome to submit this application as well; WWU offers some 金融 aid to Canadian 学生s.


Once you have completed the above, you will receive a 金融 aid packet from WWU which shows your complete aid (loans, 奖助金, 工作研究, 等.) and your payment plan. Review your plan with a 金融 aid counselor. If there are extenuating circumstances in your family finances that are not reflected on the FAFSA, please call a 金融 aid counselor.

You must be accepted to WWU before a 金融 aid award packet can be sent to you.


You will be notified to complete the promissory notes and entrance interviews for your 学生 loans.

国际 学生

国际 and Canadian 学生s do not need to fill out the FAFSA.

For questions about the enrollment fee call (800) 541-8900 or email

Pay your enrollment fee

如果你注册了六个或更多的学分, 需要支付200美元的不可退还的注册费,您可以注册课程并预订住房.

在线支付 (你需要你的myWWU账号和密码)

Or, send a $200 check to:

Walla Walla University 招生
204 S. 学院大街
College Place, WA 99324



  • For Fall enrollment, pay by April 30.

  • For Winter/Spring/Summer enrollment, pay two weeks before the first day of the 季度.

3. Before arriving on campus.


Please familiarize yourself with the eligibility requirements for 学生 housing. These include requirements for both on-campus, as well as off-campus housing.

Living in a 学生宿舍

For questions about women's 学生宿舍 housing call (509) 527-2531, or email

For questions about men's 学生宿舍 housing call (509) 527-2111, or email

学生 planning to live in a 学生宿舍 must submit an online Residence Hall 住房 Application (sign-in to myWWU is required).


For questions about off-campus housing options call (509) 527-2109 or email

要住在宿舍外,学生必须满足一定的条件 eligibility requirements or receive approval from the 居住生活和住房主任. 在验证您的资格或获得批准后, 你可以在宿舍外安排住宿.

访问 村住房 for information about 应用ing for university-owned off-campus housing.


五月开始, you can start enrolling in classes by booking an appointment with the office of Academic Advisement. During your meeting you will have the opportunity to review general studies requirements, transfer credit (if applicable), and register for classes. 如果你在高中或学院见过学术顾问, 那么你可能已经在上课了. 如果是这样,你可以在 myWWU.


(800) 558-2132 or (509) 527-2132 or



For questions about JumpStart call (800) 558-2132 or (509) 527-2132 or email

如果你的第一季度是夏季还是秋季, enroll in JumpStart, WWU’s freshmen experience program. JumpStart is offered during the week before fall 季度 classes begin. JumpStart每年5月中旬开始注册. Register for JumpStart at

转移 学生s:  Register for a one-day session to get you started on the right path at WWU.


For questions about health information, call the 学生生活 office at (509) 527-2511 or email


If this step is required, it will be listed in your To Do’s in the Student Center in myWWU. 


Review your health insurance

所有修读6学分以上的本科生和研究生国际学生必须参加健康保险计划. Please make sure that you have coverage throughout your entire education at Walla Walla University.

Fill out the TB screening form



204 S. 学院大街.
College Place, WA 99324

Starting in mid-August

For questions about 金融 clearance call (800) 656-2815 or email 学生.金融


如果你想顺利通过财务清关, get your holds and to-do items done before starting 金融 clearance.

您可以在其中任何一个中查看您的保留和待办事项 myWWU > Student Center or myWWU > 17世纪.

完成任何剩余的项目,如贷款本票, 贷款入学面试或其他经济援助表格.

Financial clearance

秋季财务结算通常在8月中旬开始. For other 季度s, 金融 clearance normally opens a few weeks before the start of the 季度. Watch for an email notification about the date for an opening of 金融 clearance.

财务清算可以通过网上完成 myWWU > 17世纪 在你完成了你的财务清关之后. 使用myWWU中的财务清关菜单选项.


4. After arriving on campus

Finish your holds and to-do items

The secret for getting through registration smoothly is to get your holds and to-do items done. 回顾你的持有和待办事项 myWWU > Student Center or myWWU > 17世纪. 如果你使用的是平板电脑或智能手机,可以使用17世纪.

Make final housing arrangements

和你的 学生宿舍 或与 村住房.

Meet with 招生 Director


Director of 招生

政府 Building101室
College Place, WA 99324

(509) 527-2608


Attend JumpStart sessions

如果你的第一季度出勤是在夏季或秋季, attend JumpStart sessions during the week before classes start in the fall.


临时入学的学生和上一季度留校察看的返校学生需要获得教务处的批准. Make an appointment with the Office of the Associate Academic Dean at (509) 527-2395.

政府 Building336房间
College Place, WA 99324

See your academic advisor


You must meet with your academic adviser in order to complete the registration process.


拿好身份证 at the location and time mentioned in your JumpStart schedule. 您的身份证将被激活,当您完成注册结束-也被称为跳跃爱因斯坦.

Finalize your registration

In myWWU > 17世纪 在“注册”菜单中选择“注册最终化”以启动注册最终化过程.

See Jumping Einstein

You know you are finished with registration when you see the graphic of Jumping Einstein™. Once you have seen Jumping Einstein, it takes about 60 minutes for your ID card to be activated for charging at 的表达 and the University Bookstore.

Register your vehicle

After you are on campus and have received registration finalization for the term, register your vehicle with 校园安全.

Purchase your books

After you have seen Jumping Einstein, purchase your books at the University Bookstore. 使用视图 季度 教材连结进入 myWWU > Student Center; the system will automatically populate the page with the textbooks that you need for the classes in which you are enrolled.

在秋季学期开始的前一周,学校为新生预留了一个特殊的时间,让他们从学校书店购买课本. 注意特定日期的公告.


Before the first day of classes, review the course syllabus for each of your classes. 课程大纲和作业信息可在 Desire2Learn(网站).

Attend the Welcome Back Bash

The Welcome Back Bash occurs on the Sunday evening before fall 季度 classes start. 你可以查看所有不同的俱乐部并在网上注册. 你一定看过《跳跃的爱因斯坦 报名参加俱乐部.

Admission Requirements



  • A grade-point average of 2.5*.

  • 获得认可的中学的毕业证书和正式成绩单,或完成GED**考试和ACT/SAT考试并取得令人满意的成绩(参见 Admission by Examination 部分).

  • 所就读院校的正式成绩单.

  • 如果转学时间少于学术指导要求的30个季度,则完成ACT考试.

  • One satisfactory personal reference.


Laboratory 科学10

除了入学要求之外, the following semester credits are highly recommended for entrance to the undergraduate curriculum:

科学 (和数学一样)10
数学+ (额外的
courses should be taken in
the junior or senior year)

*每年有数量有限的学生以临时/见习身份被录取,他们欠缺一门或多门入学所需科目,或平均绩点低于2分.5. 在此基础上接受的学生应与招生主任核实具体要求.


+Some departments may require advanced mathematics, including Trigonometry or 代数2. 请查阅部门要求.



  • A grade-point average of 2.0*.

  • 获得认可的中学的毕业证书和正式成绩单或完成GED**考试. 拥有初中或高中学位的转学生(90或以上可转换学分)不需要向世界大学提供正式的高中成绩单

  • 转学到沃拉沃拉大学的学生有30个或更多的可转学学时,将不需要参加ACT或SAT考试.

  • 所有参加的专上院校的正式成绩单.

  • One satisfactory personal reference. 转学生申请波特兰校区或学院广场校区护理学院必须提交三份个人推荐信

Accredited Colleges


Non-Accredited Colleges




Senior 转学

具有高级学位的转学生必须连续居住三个季度,完成至少36个学时(包括9个学时的专业高年级工作和3个辅修专业高年级工作),并满足所有学位要求. See Admission Requirements in the WWU公告.

Engineering 转学

学生 enrolled in the Edward F. 跨工程学院合作项目将被允许根据沃拉沃拉大学官方公告毕业,公告日期不超过本校园第一学年之前的三个学年. 连续一年或一年以上退出工程专业学习的学生将丧失根据其退出前的现行公告毕业的权利.

申请进入沃拉沃拉大学的工程转学生必须提供他们最近就读的教育机构的工程教授的推荐信. 推荐表格可以在线提交.

Nursing 转学

All School of Nursing transfer 学生s refer to the Nursing section of the WWU公告 for additional requirements.

*成绩单 from the island territories of Federated States of Micronesia, 美属萨摩亚, 帕劳, 和波多黎各的平均成绩必须达到3分.30或以上.


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