Driver & 交通运输政策

本政策的目的是概述政策和程序,为澳门线上博彩官网的员工创造一个安全的交通系统, students, 和游客. This policy is applicable to all WWU employees, students, volunteers, 和游客.

In order to qualify to be an 批准的司机, 申请人必须年满19岁, not have more than three moving violations, and no at-fault accidents during the previous three years.

校园里有一些部门被授权临时批准18岁以上的学生司机. 临时批准的司机只允许在该部门驾驶工会所有的车辆进行与工作有关的运输. 这些司机的名字在19岁之前不会被列为批准司机, 相反,他们会收到通知, by email, 他们的临时批准. 

职位要求代表WWU开车的WWU员工和志愿者, 被要求完成 Online 批准的司机 Questionnaire 及在受雇时及其后每年查阅其机动车辆纪录及驾驶纪录. Their name will remain as an 批准的司机 for as long as they are employed, 在世界大学做志愿者, 或者不再有资格.

WWU student employees whose position requires that they drive on behalf of WWU, 被要求完成 Online 批准的司机 Questionnaire 及在受雇时及其后每年查阅其机动车辆纪录及驾驶纪录. 

Anyone can request to be an 批准的司机, if they don't already have a position that requires they drive on behalf of WWU, 他们必须提交一份完整的 WWU认可司机问卷 致人力资源. 只要他们在名单上,他们的机动车记录和驾驶历史将每年检查一次.

Those licensed in the state of Washington must submit a completed 解除权益 form before their MVR can be ordered. 填写表格底部部分,包括签名,并寄回人力资源部

欲获授权驾驶可载7人或7人以上车辆的人士,亦须符合下列条件, 至少21岁, and have completed the online driver safety course within the last 3 years. Note: 15-passenger vans may not be used for ANY University activities. Contact 设施服务 成为获授权的CDL司机或为CDL司机安排使用任何需要CDL牌照的车辆.


客人可以驾驶大学拥有或租用的车辆,如果他们是批准的司机. The required paperwork may be sent, in advance, 致人力资源 for approval at Any guest/volunteer who is not an approved driver, 学生是否应以自己的名义和保险向租车公司租用车辆,并向有关大学院系申请退款.

Anyone using their personal vehicle for University business, which includes WWU arranged transportation must comply as follows:

  • Drivers are expected to follow all federal, state, and local laws.
  • Drivers transporting students must be an 批准的司机.
  • While traveling on University business, 司机对车辆的使用和乘坐车辆的乘客的安全运输负责.
  • 用于学校业务的私人车辆应妥善登记, inspected, insured, 并且适合于这种用法.
  • 使用私人车辆前往大学的司机应确保他们有足够的个人保险. 司机自己的汽车责任保险被认为是对任何事故发生的主要保险,而开车在学校的业务. The University does not provide insurance coverage for a personal vehicle.
  • University trailers are insured by the towing vehicle. 确保你有足够的保险将大学的财产拖在你的个人车辆后面.
  • 15-passenger vans may not be used for any University activities.

All WWU employees/volunteers driving WWU vehicles shall adhere to the following:

  • No vehicle may be operated in violation of state or local laws.
  • Safety restrains shall be used by the driver and passengers of the vehicle.
  • Personal use of a University-owned or rented vehicle is not permitted. WWU的车辆(无论是自有的还是租用的)只能用于代表大学执行工作. 不得为与大学或大学活动无关的个人提供交通工具, including but not limited to spouses, children, 或者其他家庭成员. 这方面的有限例外可能包括在工作时必须有家庭成员陪同的情况,并应保持在最低限度.
  • Persons operating a university owned, 因学校公务出差,所有交通由租用车辆或私家车负责, driving, 违章停车.
  • Vehicles shall be returned to their department after use.

WWU employees assigned a specific WWU vehicle for routine use in their daily work, will be granted the following exceptions:

  • The employee will be allowed to drive their vehicle to and from their home, 在他们轮班之前和之后.
  • 当员工上下班时,允许用WWU车辆运送家庭成员, or on a work trip that requires the use of the WWU vehicle.



第二种方式是活动主办方自行安排交通工具, University-rented, 或者私家车. Regardless of the type of vehicle being used, all drivers must be an 批准的司机 and, 如果适用的话, 拥有7+的称号. Note: 15-passenger vans may not be used for ANY University activities.


  1. Accompany students, when possible,
  2. 通过设施服务部门按照其程序获得正在使用的车辆, 或者第三方租赁机构, or
  3. If using privately-owned vehicles, 获取车辆当前保险的证明,并告知车主他们的个人汽车保险将涵盖任何可能发生的事故或伤害.


如果交通工具是由世界自然联盟代表(活动赞助商)安排的,而参加活动的个人选择使用世界自然联盟安排的交通工具以外的交通工具, 保荐人必须遵守 双模式运输 Procedure.


  1. Create a list of students who choose the WWU arranged transportation,
  2. Provide a Hold Harmless Agreement form, 的签名, to those who choose NOT to travel in the WWU arranged transportation,
  3. 核实非安排运输的司机是经批准的司机,并有7+的指定(如果适用), and
  4. Verify that the vehicle being used has current insurance.

所有文件必须与适当的部门或活动申请表一起保存,并按照“ 保留及处置政策.

特殊用途 单向持有无害协议 是否适用于学生使用世界大学安排的交通工具前往世界大学的活动,但选择使用非大学交通工具或未经批准的司机从活动中返回的情况. 如果学生选择使用非大学交通工具参加活动,并使用世界大学安排的交通工具返回世界大学, please contact Human Resources at for a 单向持有无害协议 with the proper language.


15-passenger vans may not be used for any University activities. 

Watch this video about the risks of 15-passenger vans and alternative options.  


15做货车燃, Dangerous and Deadly

SAVINGS!  只要有可能,请使用 企业租车 所有大学业务. Please note that this account cannot be used for personal travel. In addition to savings in the cost of renting the vehicle, 通过该帐户提供的费率包括不收取额外费用的损害豁免, as well as roadside assistance (some services may still incur a charge). So, 万一发生事故, 企业租车保险将涵盖损害赔偿,而不是通过澳门线上博彩官网大学的商业汽车保险处理索赔. The 租车政策 位于 Accounting webpage under the Accounts Payable subheading of the Faculty & 员工资源页面. All drivers of the rental car need to be an 批准的司机.

If there is a significant price difference, feel free to rent with another company.

Rented vehicles being used for University business by an authorized 批准的司机, 在美国境内, 加拿大或波多黎各, 非通过企业租赁的车辆,由学校的商业汽车保险承担. An insurance ID card is available from the Risk & 安全官, which you can carry as proof of coverage. 请放弃租赁公司提供的任何保险,因为这是重复保险.

设施服务 是否有数量有限的7辆以上的乘用车可以出租,以及郊区, 机场和公共汽车. 

Vehicles rented outside the United States, 加拿大或波多黎各不在大学商业汽车保险政策范围内. 请与 Risk & 安全官 prior to travel, to obtain the required insurance coverage.

Do not depend on credit card insurance coverage, as it is limited with exclusions and does not provide adequate coverage

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